He lasted as long as anyone in the fickle business of local sportscasting, although he did have to make a comeback from one firing to reclaim his place.
Hein played college basketball at Northern Iowa, and later landed a job with Channel 13. His easygoing style was in sharp contrast to that of Chet Coppock, his primary competitor at Channel 8, and allowed him to avoid wearing out his welcome. He lasted 33 years, an eternity in that biz. He was his station’s lead sports anchor, and moonlighted as the Pacers’ television play-by-play man for awhile in the ABA years.
He’s also quite the tuba player, among other things. I was always surprised by the positive feedback I got when I aired shows with local media personalities, and Hein was no exception. He came to the studio, which always made my job easier. There’s a lot less editing when you’re talking with a professional talker with good audio quality.
First aired 2013
Tagged with: Channel 13, Don Hein, Northern Iowa basketball