This conversation ran the week after my show with Ray Donaldson. It seemed appropriate, because they're the two best centers the Colts have had since moving to Indianapolis. Maybe ever.
Saturday has a great story, from going undrafted to Pro Bowler and captain of a Super Bowl champion. His relationship and chemistry with Peyton Manning was a major factor in the success of those Colts teams, and his leadership on the offensive line was essential. He wasn't the first guest on my show to tell me he had told a lie to advance his career, and I don't blame him. When someone is offering the opportunity of a lifetime, you'll claim anything to get that chance. You'll either back it up or not, but you have to have the chance first.
Like Donaldson, I visited Saturday in his home on Indy's north side -- just farther north, in Saturday's case. Not everybody would open their door to someone he had never met, but it was comfortable. We sat at a table in his dining room, interrupted only when he needed to get up to let his dog out. It's no coincidence Saturday has gone on to successful careers beyond football? He's assertive, positive and trusting, and that usually pays off.
In his case, in a big way.
The Colts shocked the NFL world on Nov. 7, 2022, when they hired Saturday away from ESPN to become their head coach. He had no coaching experience other than a brief stint with a high school team. It was an unprecedented move, one that will challenge Saturday like never before.
This podcast is the raw conversation from out time together at his home in Indy, without the intro, commercial breaks and music.
First aired 2010
Tagged with: Indianapolis Colts center, Jeff Saturday, North Carolina football